Feature Ideas
Submit IdeaChat reset for specific areas
Right now chat resets everything in Home, Schedule, Exhibitor, Lounge and Private chats. Would be good if we can reset each area individually because in some cases, the chats are cleared on the home module for the next day, but by doing a reset, all existing one on one chats and exhibitor chats are also cleared which are important to the attendees.
Shane Meyer#Improvement π1
Apply "Dependent Question" logic / code to "Virtual App - feedback module"
Please refer to the attached image for client requested feedback question: Requirment: Once select option "Yes" in a question Client want participant to choose the option related to answer "Yes" Others: Add "text box" is not preferred to this request
Kevin P#Improvement π#Feature Requests π#Virtual Event π©π»βπ»0
Contradiction between "Payment Status" and "Reg Status"
Background : When a buyer have completed Ticket selection Buyer form Order form However, buyer can't settle the payment successfully through Stripe Then the result in "attendee modules" would be "Reg status" is "Confirmed" "Payment Status" is "Pending Payment" attached image: left is "attendee modules" & right is "orders" page By logical, those not complete for payment should not confirm their seat. Solution: add 1 more reg status as "pending". Hence, organiser can select those pending attendee to buy the ticket / filter them out from receiving any confirmation email
Kevin P#Improvement π#Registration π1
Able to mark users from a particular group to change their status
Select a group from the left Mark a name and select all Would be good to be able to reassign them (This is so we can mass change the status of people) This would help speed things along. See the Mark as button that appears under all attendees vs the view when the group is selected
Shane Meyer#Improvement π#Feature Requests π1
Allow Bold and Hyperlink in Registration Confirmation Page and Close Message
Right now it seems like the textbox allows linebreak in the admin panel but it actually doesnt on the actual registration confirmation page
Shane Meyer#Improvement π#Registration π1
Able to edit attendee details in admin even if not all compulsory fields are completed
Sometimes there's a need to edit imported details of an attendee who may not have registered for the event yet. Right now it's not possible to edit and save because the compulsory fields are not filled up. They only way to do so is to import. Would be good if details can be edited in the admin while ignoring if compulsory questions are completed or not.
Shane Meyer#Improvement π1
Directly login after scanning check-in QR Code successfully
As Covid-19 slows down, then the physical events will come back. So far users care about the connection between "Check-in" & "Virtual app". Actual result: Users check in by scanning QR Code, then they need to scan ANOTHER QR Code and key email to enter "Virtual app". Except result: Users check in by QR Code, then they can directly enter to "Virtual app" (Like One-click login). Feel free to get to me if need more information. Thanks for your patience.
Gale L#Improvement π#Feature Requests π0
the logic of tag in the agenda
For the tag in the Agenda, so far it will show all related results. e.q. select Tag A & Tag C , then it shows all results including Tag A or Tag C . like the session with Tag A & Tag B or with Tag B & Tag C . Suggestion: Show the result with selected tags. e.q. select Tag A & Tag C , then it shows only results with Tag A & Tag C . it wonβt show the sessions with Tag A & Tag B or with Tag B & Tag C .
Gale L#Virtual Event π©π»βπ»0
Automatic Email Bugs and Improvements in "Order Summary"
The template of "Order Summary" has no information about: orderID orderDate ticketType ticketPrice ticketTotal paymentMethod The first attachment is the idea to add on "Order Summary" template if possible. The second attached screenshot of email shows the bugs in automatic email template which cannot be display correctly.
Jessica C#Improvement π#Bug π0
Ability to download report based on saved filter
This would provide convenience in extracting specific reports without having to use excel filters
Shane Meyer#Improvement π2
Custom Emoji for virtual event
Client always love the emoji features for virtual events. It is a kind of engagement to all the audience The next common question they always ask is "can we custom our emoji for audience to select" [Take a reference of slack emoji features to consider this request]
Kevin P#Feature Requests π#Virtual Event π©π»βπ»#Engagement β0
authorized role should separate in attendee list
Suggest the attendee list should separate to different role, that might count license and it should help the after event report with correct data. for example: micepad people don't need to shown in attendee list, or should default mark as "admin" or "Micepad" the admin/collaborator/exhibitor/speaker/moderator/translator should default mark as their role and won't count in report.
Jenny C#Improvement π#Analytics π0
Add Rich text editor at the bottom of page "Restrict to invitee list" & change the language select button at the top
First refer to the image of previous "Validation Page" Feature requests: Add rich text editor under the "Submit" for direct the guest who not pass through* Again move the "Language selection button" on the top of all registration related pages *Suggest to add it at the backend under the tiggler button of "Restrict to invitee list" (attached in the 2nd image)
Kevin P#Improvement π#Feature Requests π#Registration π0
Auto hide option once quantity is fulfilled
Auto hide option once quantity is fulfilled From RSVP Forms > Add new field > Set Question Prompt (I am interested to attend:) > Set choices (T1, T2) > Set Limit quantity to 10. E.g. Once 10 people have registered for T1, this option should autohide instead of a popup that 'choice is no longer available' after clicking Submit. It disrupts the registration flow.
Eka#Registration π0
Feedback Form feature Likert Scale
Likert scale question display selection under Feedback feature should display as Likert Scale, not Multiple Choice. This is useful for clients who would like Likert Scale display for their rating questions.
Eka#Feature Requests π1