New Gamification Module: Challenges

New Feature

People make events into stories. Stories give events meaning. An event becomes more memorable and impressive when it includes joyful moments, which is why we have spent time designing the new Challenges feature, so your attendees can have some fun during your event.


Our new Challenges module allows administrators to create missions that include different types of tasks that attendees must complete in order to earn points. Participants will then be ranked according to the points they earned and their ranking will be displayed on the leaderboard.


Admin Site

Challenges Module

To create a new mission, log in to Admin Site > App > Challenge, click on the New Mission button.

There are several types of tasks you can include in your mission:

  1. Early Bird Login
  2. Submit a Question
  3. Complete a Quiz
  4. Post a Photo
  5. Complete a Feedback
  6. Scan a QR Code
  7. Participate in a Poll
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Leaderboard Setting

To determine the standard to use to calculate points earned by attendees for ranking, please go to Admin Site > App > Leaderboard.

The preview of leaderboard ranking here will be the same as shown on Event Website.

From this page, administrators can decide which modules to include in the ranking. For example, if administrators select Poll module, that means the ranking will be based on the points collected from attendees answering the polls.


Event Website

On Event Website, attendees can check the progress they have made in completing missions and the points they have earned. In addition, the leaderboard will always show the latest ranking so attendees can see how competitive the mission is.

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